Welcome! Learn...Discover...Become!

Welcome!  Learn...Discover...Become!


Become and Be...Something More Today than You were Yesterday!

My name is...

My name is...

Well, I actually do not know my birth name...

Or where or when I was born...

That is an enduring mystery...And a story for another place...

People say that I look like a professor...

And I like to Teach!

So please call me Professor Grant!

Who am I?

I don't really know.

What am I?

I don't really know either. And that's another story for another place and time.

Why am I?

That I know!

I am here...And have survived too numerous brushes with death...To bring you a large set of Spiritual and Life Teachings that I call "The DaVincian Teachings".

That's what you're going to find on this site.

I will warn you that these Teachings are all new...Except where they connect to and extend a handful of previous persons' teachings...And all are quite Unique and Revolutionary...

And they will Challenge much/most of what you think you already know!

And they are also...Eminently practical and useful!

In other words, the DaVincian Teachings don't just educate you and answer your deepest questions about Life, Love, and the World...

But they give you practical Techniques that you can use for your practical benefits in your Life! And in your relationships with others...And in Love as well!

I always had more questions in Life than answers...And kept looking for Real Answers instead of the shallow pseudo answers that I found out there...

And I've had some very, very strange and anomalous experiences and events in my life to which stock answers just don't explain or apply...

My Quest has been to Find the Deep Answers...And Understanding.

In 1994 I became the single father of three wonderful kids and in between raising them and working, I started a very dedicated Quest to find the Deeper Real Answers...

And I did!

And the more I found...The more came to me...And the more it all Connected Together...And the more sense it made!

So 30+ years later I have a HUGE set and collection of Teachings and more...

I call and categorize it as IT3SWAM for:

  • Ideas
  • Teachings
  • Techniques
  • Theory Sets (sets not just individual disconnected flapping in the breeze single theories!)
  • Sagas
  • Ways (Ways of Life, Loving, and Living)
  • Answers - Real DEEP Answers!
  • Mystaken Myths - The wrong things that you need to UnLearn!

And, well, all these covers a very wide and broad range of topics:

  • Mind
  • Heart/Love
  • Consciousness
  • Cosmology
  • Soul
  • Lost History
  • Purpose...Potential...And Destiny
  • Our Potential Futures
  • Our Bodies
  • Spirituality
  • Worldviews
  • Psychology
  • Psi
  • Genius
  • And more!

An absolutely HUGE amount of Teachings and IT3SWAM to put here and on my other related/connected web sites.

Why? Why am I doing this?

For a couple of very good reasons:

  1. No one else has come close to publishing and teaching a fraction of this stuff...Or really ANY of this stuff!
    1. So I'm dutifully "elected" to do so.
    2. I would much rather someone else did all this, because I am tired, exhausted, sick, and old...But there's no one out there that comes anywhere close.
    3. So I'm the only one that can do this!
  2. My health and heart is failing again...I am dying...So I need to get this all out before it's lost forever.
  3. As much as I'd like to run away from this and just wanted to have a nice quiet wife, family, and Life...That's not how things worked out for me...And I can't keep on running away from what is apparently My Life Mission.
    1. Yes, My Life Mission.
    2. It does explain all those many times I should have died (ask my doctors!) but did not...
    3. So I will endeavour to publish and Teach as much as I can for as long as I can...Until I finally die.

There are...Reasons? Barriers and Blocks I call them which have greatly interfered with me publishing and Teaching all of this over those many years...

But now I think/hope that I've worked my way through enough of those Barriers and Blocks to not only start this first of many Teachings, Theory Set, and Deep Answers website, videos, books, and courses...But to populate and finish all of the them!

I have enough Teachings and materials for over a dozen Schools...Which could be organized into an online University...I have that many things to Teach!

So now I begin the Herculean task of publishing and Teaching of this incredible and revolutionary material...

I hope to be essentially done within 2 years...

That may be over optimistic but I'm a workaholic...So it is quite possible.

What this means to you is several things:

  1. Everything will be published and additional Schools will be established over the next 2 year time scale...
  2. The amount of materials, videos, articles, ebooks, courses, etc will steadily increase...
  3. And with this increase in Teachings, etc. will come increases in the costs/fees to access and use this material.

But I'm just starting out, still working full time in a corporate job to put a roof over my head and my crippled son who is now living with me, and I can use some help.

So I'm creating the Founding Members. the First Thousand, and the DaVincian Angels programs.

The Founding Members Program is a program where you join and become one of the first people to help fund and grow this site...And all the other sites and such to come. See Our Roadmap for specific plans. How would you like to access everything now...And everything in the future...With one monthly subscription fee that never ever increases? And you get listed as a Founding Member...and you get a special logo Badge to display this fact and accomplishment on your website and elsewhere!

The First Thousand Program provides special pricing and discounts to the first 1,000 students to sign up as students...

And the DaVincian Angels Program is for people who wish to...And can afford to...Donate one time or a monthly amount...

Oh! Did I mention that we are a non-profit organization? We are affiliated with The DaVinci Minds, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit research and education organization and derive our non-profit status from and through them. So your Angel donations may/should be tax deductible.

There's a lot more to tell you...And to Teach you!

Look around...Explore!

Then...Join Us!

There's only one of us out there/here on the Web...

And we'd sure like to have you as Student!

Not just for the impact and advancements that it will make in your Life...

But also because it will help bring about a Wondrous Future for us all!

    • Professor Grant
    • Atlanta, Georgia USA